Friday, December 02, 2005

Tookie, T-800 and Bush

Now that the 1000th execution in the US since 1976 has gone through, I did a little reading on it.

Check out some of the crimes for which people have been executed before: counterfeiting, horse stealing, buggery and concealing the birth/death of an infant (link). Of course, these crimes are no longer punishable by death.

The big story now is the scheduled execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams, a co-founder of the Crips. He has seemingly rehabilitated as much as any person could. Interestingly, Tookie met some body-builder in the '70s who was very impressed by how fit he was. How does that matter? Well, that body-builder is now going to decide if Tookie lives or not since he is the governor of California.

And what are el presidente's views on this issue? Check out these comments from Tucker Carlson who interviewed Bush in '99 when a woman on death row was close to her execution:

In the week before [Karla Faye Tucker's] execution, Bush says, Bianca Jagger and a number of other protesters came to Austin to demand clemency for Tucker. "Did you meet with any of them?" I ask.

Bush whips around and stares at me. "No, I didn't meet with any of them," he snaps, as though I've just asked the dumbest, most offensive question ever posed. "I didn't meet with Larry King either when he came down for it. I watched his interview with [Tucker], though. He asked her real difficult questions, like 'What would you say to Governor Bush?' "

"What was her answer?" I wonder.

"Please," Bush whimpers, his lips pursed in mock desperation, "don't kill me."

Yikes. Here's a link to the article giving the whole story.


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