Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Live Local

Now this is cool. And useful.

Live Local

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Check this out. Earlier in the day we were joking in the lab about why they use an alcohol swab when they are about to perform a lethal injection. I guess it's so that they can anesthetize the patient (the victim? the condemned?) and THEN give them the lethal injection.

I totally love that they couldn't find anyone to do the job in the 24-hour window. But I'm sure now that it's getting some pub, there will be a lot of volunteers. "I'll do it. I'll anesthetize him. Heck, I'll kill him if you let me."

So, we'll wait 'til we find an anesthesiologist who will do the deed. I'm sure the second time around the executionee is going to go into it with some peace of mind because it's going to be painless. The death part, not so important. Whether he feels it as he dies, that's important.

Friday, February 17, 2006


I was just watching Bill Maher and he brought up something that has always bothered me: the hypocrisy of the world's nuclear powers.

By what right can the US and the other nuclear powers say Iran can't have nukes? We can have nukes because we are so good and would never use it (although we want that option) but you? You can't be trusted.

This is especially hypocritical in the case of the US. The most vocal nation on this topic, one that went to war on the possibility that Iraq might have nukes, is the only one that has used nuclear weapons. You may say it was necessary (I would disagree) and yet the fact of the matter is the US did commit two horrific acts using nuclear weapons.

So why does the US have the authority to rebuke Iran and North Korea and every country that tries to obtain nukes? Precisely because it is a nuclear power. Because of its military and economic power (which it owes at least partly due to its nuclear arsenal) the US can keep nukes away from the other kids.

But there's one nuclear power the US is ambivalent about. The exception is Israel. Because of all volatile situations in the world, Israel needed to have nukes. None of its enemies can have them, that would be dangerous.

Essentially the logic seems to be "I got this toy first, I'm not gonna share except with my friends". And this is a toy no one should have.

Disclaimer: Don't think I want Iran or N. Korea to have nukes. Quite the opposite. I want every nuclear country to disarm.

Monday, February 13, 2006


If this is how he treats his friends, I'm scared.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl Prediction

Steelers by 10!